Thursday, May 3, 2012


So, here it is. My first official animation.
it's 8 seconds of un-timed madness, but it's 100 drawings that i'm pretty proud of.

In other news I Matt Peters over at  Might Ink Comics is doing an Avengers week where he has been drawing The Avengers all week. after submitting to him my Thor, he featured me on his page! Which i'm honored to be on, because i'm super jelly of anyone's ability to consistently update a website. Which, if you can't tell, i'm pretty awful at.

there we go!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Ha. "Regularly." I can't take credit for the art. That's all done by my little bro, Mike Peters. He's been kind enough to post it up on our site this week. Anywho, great stuff, Aaron!
